Authors |
Kapitonova Elena Anatol'evna, Candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, sub-department of criminal law, Penza State University (40, Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Abstract |
Background. Protection of the rights of the unborn child is declared in international legal acts, but is not reflected in Russian legislation. The purpose of the article is to formulate proposals to improve the legal acts in this area.
Results. Various approaches to the definition of the beginning of the protection of the rights of the unborn child, formulated by Russian researchers and foreign legislators, are considered. There are differences between the terms “unborn child” and “embryo” (human fetus up to eight weeks). Analysis of the practice of the European Court of human rights, affecting the status of the embryo, is conducted. The author's judgment that the conceived, but not yet born child can act in legal relations in three different qualities, each of which requires an independent consolidation of its status, taking into account the basic principles of the actively emerging science of bioethics, the positions of the ECHR, the current Russian legislation and the legal traditions existing in the country, is formulated and justified. The theoretical provisions presented in the study have the quality of scientific novelty and can be used in further research on related topics of jurisprudence, as well as in the process of legislative activity.
Conclusions. The first phase of the unborn child is the embryo (gestation period up to 8 weeks). It is proposed to consider it exclusively as a possible object of law. At the second phase (fetus – term pregnancy from 9 until 12 weeks) unborn child also not possesses separate status and is lauded as an integral part of mother’s organism. The third phase (naciturus – gestation period over 12 weeks) involves the consideration of the unborn child as a carrier of legitimate interest, which may eventually be transformed into the right to life and determines its special status in the law (including as a possible victim in criminal proceedings).
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